Access foster youth services
Transitioned Age Youth services overview
The TAY program serves both current and former foster youths aged between 15 and 25 who live in the County of Santa Clara. Where you lived previously does not impact your eligibility.
If you meet these criteria, you will qualify for some services, as each service has its own eligibility requirements. Call us today to see which programs you qualify for.
To promote self-sufficiency, TAY services focus on key areas that have the greatest impact on youth's transition into adulthood including:
- Housing
- Employment
- Education
- Independent living skills
- Health
- Financial literacy
- Permanency
Explore our programs
Get in touch
Complete this form if you want us to contact you. Allow us up to 48 hours to reach out to you.
County of Santa Clara Transitioned Age Youth (TAY) services serve youths who have aged out of foster care in a variety of ways. We provide support for housing, employment services, vocational or post-secondary education opportunities, and financial literacy education. In order to continue providing these services, we must secure funding to pay for costs such as:
- Basic hygiene and toiletry items for youth who are homeless
- Rental subsidies for youth who would otherwise be homeless
- Emergency expenses such as food and utilities
- Employment readiness expenses such as professional clothing
- Transportation costs including gas vouchers and bus passes
- Account maintenance fees and matching funds for youth participating in financial literacy classes
- Food and snacks for youth when attending meetings and workshops
If you would like to help support SCC TAY continue to offer these opportunities to our very deserving young adults, please contact us by phone or e-mail.
If you would like to donate to the Hub, please visit Ways to Give.