Reportable abuse
California's Welfare and Institutions Code names certain types of abuse that should be made known to DFCS, the police (WIC § 300) or both.
These are the reportable abuse types along with examples:
- Physical abuse: Non-accidental injuries and other acts of cruel or excessive punishment or discipline. It also includes other harms caused by the parent, guardian, or a member of his or her household, including failure to protect.
- Neglect: A pattern of failure to provide food, clothing, shelter or health care for a child under one's care when the means to do so are at hand. It can also be due to the parent or guardian's mental illness, disability or substance abuse problem.
- Sexual abuse and exploitation: Any forced sexual action or exposure to sexual contact not proper for a child's age.
- Emotional abuse: Verbal assaults, threats, or hostile actions by the parent or guardian that cause fear, worry, severe sadness or serious inner distress.
- Abandonment: Leaving a child with no plans for support, freely giving up physical custody of a child.