Unity in service, strength in community. We're here for you.
Report child abuse and neglect
The Child Abuse & Neglect Center receives and responds to reports of abuse or neglect connected to children and youth. When the situation is not a problem needing police action, reports should be made to the toll-free Child Abuse and Neglect Center (CANC) reporting line.
Child Abuse and Neglect Center 24-hour Hotline
1-833-SCC-KIDS (833-722-5437)
Report elder and dependent adult abuse
If you believe abuse is happening to an older or dependent adult, call the Adult Protective Services (APS) hotline. We respond to reports of abuse or neglect of adults who are aged 60 or older and dependent adults with physical or mental limitations between ages 18 and 59.
Adult Protective Services 24-hour Hotline
(408) 975-4900 or (800) 414-2002
If someone's life is in danger, call 911.
How can we help?
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Planting Seeds with Vicky Machado, Social Services Agency Supervisor
Celebrating 50 years of public service.