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Children and Youth System of Care (CYSOC)


All children and their families in the County of Santa Clara thrive in safe, healthy, and stable homes, workplaces, and communities.


Strive to keep children safe and families strong and ensure all children and youth at risk are safe, cared for, and grow up in a stable, loving family.


  1. Tribe, parent, and youth driven
  2. Community-based and least restrictive
  3. Culturally linguistically competent
  4. Racial equity
  5. Prevention and early intervention focused

System level outcomes

  • An integrated, aligned, and shared system of care for children, youth, and families that is evidence-based, outcome-focused, family-centered, strength-based, culturally relevant, trauma-informed, and healing-centered.
  • Decrease formal system involvement and disproportionality.
  • Family and community-centered services and supports made available across the three (3) tiered prevention continuum and are provided in the least restrictive environment.


Who we are

The Children and Youth System of Care have established a joint Interagency Leadership Team (ILT) committed to help ensure alignment of vision and trust, maximize efforts and share risk, reward and responsibility; and decreasing institutional trauma.

SSA Logo

Social Services Agency


Department of Family and Children's Services (DFCS)

Juvenile Probation department

Juvenile Probation Department

Behavioral Health Services Department Logo

Behavioral Health Services Department

SARC logo

San Andreas Regional Center

Santa Clara County Office of Education logo

Santa Clara County Office of Education

FirstFive logo

First 5

Public Health logo

Public Health

SCC Court logo

Dependency Court Judges

Our goals

Develop a shared vision of a well-coordinated and integrated system of care.

Engage diverse, culturally rooted community members and address risk factors and strengthen protective factors to decrease formal system involvement and disproportionality.

Develop Family and Community Centered tiered interventions and services to ensure the safety and well-being of children, youth, and families.

Building an effective Children and Youth System of Care

Establishing and supporting an interagency System of Care is challenging. It also offers an opportunity to transform the partner’s systems and radically alter the capacities of partners to expand their capacity, develop uniform approaches, reduce trauma on youth and families, and insulate local departments from the cyclic nature of publicly funded resources.

The Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM)

The ICPM is a unifying framework for child-serving systems across the Clara’s System of Care. ICPM aligns and integrates the essential elements of effective teaming and engagement, building upon the collaborative, interactive practices that agency staff at all levels and partners provide children, youth, and families to improve accountability and outcomes.

See more information about The Integrated Core Practice Model (

County of Santa Clara AB 2083 resources