A list of the departments that are part of the Social Services Agency. This list can help you to understand how the agency is organized and who is responsible for what.
Learn more about the Department of Aging and Adult Services including our mission and services.
El Departamento de Empleo y Servicios de Beneficios (DEBS) brinda servicios que promueven la salud, la nutrición, la seguridad y el bienestar de los residentes del condado de Santa Clara. Nuestra misión es asegurar que las personas y familias de bajos ingresos reciban los servicios de salud, nutrición, financieros y laborales necesarios.
Learn more about the Department of Employment and Benefit Services including our mission, vision, and goals.
The County of Santa Clara's Department of Family and Children’s Services aims to keep children safe and families strong by partnering with our communities.
Welcome to Social Services Agency's newsroom and events list.
The County of Santa Clara offers a wide range of social services programs designed to boost the well-being of our community. Explore all that the Social Services Agency has to offer everyone from families to older adults to children.
Văn Phòng Dịch Vụ Trợ Cấp và Việc Làm (DEBS) cung cấp các dịch vụ nhằm nâng cao về y tế, dinh dưỡng, sự an toàn và sức khỏe cho cư dân Hạt Santa Clara. Nhiệm vụ của chúng tôi là bảo đảm cho những cá nhân và gia đình có thu nhập thấp sẽ nhận được các dịch vụ trợ cấp về y tế, dinh dưỡng, tài chính và việc làm cần thiết.