Senior Care Commission (SCC)
The SCC is made up of five main subcommittees; Executive, Community Care, Institutional Care, Protective Issues, and Legislative. The role of the subcommittees is to expand awareness for the senior community, participate in resolving concerns regarding senior wellness and safety, advocate for senior programs, and track and advocate for senior legislation.

Veterans Commission
The Veterans Commission educates and raises awareness regarding issues affecting Veterans and their families, including, but not limited to Veterans' services, health, benefits, and ways to improve the lives of Veterans.

Social Services Advisory Commission (SSAC)
The SSAC has three main subcommittees: Executive, Direct Services, and Advocacy. The SSAC subcommittees serve as work meetings to discuss and receive reports on Agency directives and initiatives that are later brought forth to the Regular Commission Meeting.

Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC)
The CAPC coordinates the community's efforts to prevent and respond to all forms of child abuse and neglect through community partnerships, education, collaboration and advocacy.